Wednesday, 19 September 2018


I think I’ve made a habit of reaching the back-end of the season before putting a blogpost together. Although the summer hasn’t involved many public readings, things have been bubbling away behind the scenes. The interactive poetry-play, ‘Carried on a Cloud of Sawdust’ at Nostell Priory on July 13th was well received and I was thrilled that all the characters were taken on by audience members over two performances. I was also able to see the incredibly versatile and very talented poet, Zodwa Nyoni perform her poem, ‘Mahogany’, at the same event. The National Trust have very kindly asked me to return to Nostell for one more performance of my Chippendale play on September 28th, if anyone is able to make it, it’d be great to see you there.

I’ve also been fortunate enough to work on a project with Forward Prize-winning poet Vahni Capildeo, who is exploring the theme of journeys and Windrush at Dewsbury Road Community Hub. I helped Vahni deliver a workshop on August 14th and the work produced by the writers attending the workshops will feature in a text exhibition in the building next year. This is part of a larger project called Collections in Verse taking place across Leeds.

Next up I’ll be part of the judging panel at Otley’s first-ever Town Crier Competition on Sunday September 23rd. On September 30th I will appear at The Bridge Church to read a commissioned poem celebrating their stained-glass window which commemorates the end of the First World War. This is followed by a performance at Ilkley Literature Festival with the Courthouse Writers who have devised a piece entitled ‘No Cold Callers’ with fellow poet and friend James Nash on October 1st at Ilkley Playhouse. Then I will join Otley Poets to celebrate National Poetry Day on Oct 4th and support James for the launch of his new book ‘A Bench for Billie Holiday’ at The Leeds Library on October 16th alongside Di Slaney. I will return to Chesterfield Labour Club on October 27th. And I will be appearing at The Purple Room in Ben Rhydding on November 22nd. I’ve most likely missed something out, so I’ll quit while I’m ahead and try to be more organised when compiling autumn’s blogpost.