Thursday, 28 April 2016

Poetry Puncture Repair Kit

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Otley Word Feast Press and the volunteers and staff at Otley Courthouse, we now have the 'Poetry Puncture Repair Kit'; an entirely recyclable literary pack in celebration of the Tour de Yorkshire and one of West Yorkshire's most unique towns.

Inside the Poetry Puncture Repair Kit you'll find: a pencil, inspiration from an extract from the 'Spokes' anthology, a paper jersey to write your poem on and sticky spots to decorate it.

On Thursday (April 28th), I delivered a workshop for pupils from All Saints, Ashfield and St Joseph's Primary Schools in Otley, asking our budding poets to write haiku on the theme of 'Freedom' and how we feel when we feel free and what makes us feel free - like cycling (or mopedding!). The results were overwhelming, and can be seen at the Courthouse and further a field around the town as the year runs on.


At the opening of Stage Two of the Tour de Yorkshire (April 30th), I am inviting everyone in Otley to become part the legacy of April 30th's event by taking a Poetry Puncture Repair Kit (completely useless if you are cyclist but useful if you like poetry) and submitting a poem to the Courthouse, which will become bunting, along with the efforts of the aforementioned schoolchildren, and be part of the history of le Tour.

The Courthouse opens at 6.30am and will have screenings of the race throughout the day, as well as various events and performances. I will be there from 11am(ish) to hand out FREE Poetry Puncture Repair Kits - see you there!

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