Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Despite the record-breaking heat, it certainly feels like the summer is reaching its end and the evenings are punctuated by a welcoming gloom and jittery swallows - or maybe bats! It was certainly a busy spell for me with readings all over the north of England, and it will remain busy throughout the autumn.

Next up is a cross-genre event thanks to Otley Folk Festival. On Saturday September 17th at 6.30pm I will open the Folk Club, joined by fellow poets Hannah Batley, Tony Boltini, Jo Brandon and Joanna Sedgwick for an evening of readings that are inspired by traditional songs, called 'Responses'. We will be accompanied by guitar virtuoso Ben Young (pictured right, attempting to belt me one!) in the taproom of The Fleece, Westgate, LS21 3DT. Not to be missed!

The second project I'd like to announce is an interactive writing/walking/cycling adventure via the Geocache website. I'm inviting everyone to contribute to the final part of my serialised poem, 'Shaman', published in Otley Matters, by finding each cache and completing the challenge inside. It has only been hidden for a day at the time of writing this blog, so you'll need to get your skates on if you want to take part. It's called 'The Shaman's Trail' (GC6RP9F) and the three caches are pictured below, if you're wondering what they look like.
At the end of September I will also be delivering a FREE poetry workshop at Leeds Central Library, celebrating European Day of Languages: Sept 26th, 12noon-1pm. October will see me read at both Manchester and Sheffield Literature Festivals alongside other Valley Press poets. National Poetry Day will see the launch of Otley Word Feast Press's pub anthology, 'Half Moon'' which I will host at the Horse and Farrier. And I will be making a trip to Scunthorpe at the end of the month to perform at The Mouth Magazine's showcase night. That'll do for now.

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